Hi Citygate Partner, Happy New Year!

Here we are on the verge of what is going to be an outstanding year of blessing, favour and victory. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, and I have announced that "2024 is the year where Jesus will be seen to be EXALTED in every area of Church Life and Mission" – This is so exciting to me and I am in faith that this will usher in a new amazing season of God's Presence, Purpose and Power into Citygate Church.

As we begin this month of Prayer and Fasting, can I encourage you to jump in and go for it with passion! Don't dabble with this month or be lukewarm, put your heart and soul into it. Read the attached information about Prayer and Fasting (especially if you have never fasted before), and then make your stand before God regarding the part you will play in Citygate's Corporate Fast during the first 31 days of 2024… It can quite simply be the making of your best year ever – EXALTED!

Can I remind us all that starting on Monday 8th, then each following Monday through January, Citygate Church will be gathering at 7.30pm to 9.30pm to pray like never before! Make every arrangement you need to in order to prioritise these evening prayer explosions… come in faith, come fasted, come expecting God to speak and for God to move. If you have never been to a Citygate Prayer Meeting in January, they really are the heartbeat of the Church – we are who we are because of our Prayer, Fasting and Firstfruits offerings!

Prayer Meetings

8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th January
Monday evenings from 7.30pm - 9.30pm

On Sunday, hundreds of people filled out Dream Cards to put on the Dream Wall, please prioritise this if you have not done so already - make sure you hear from God, stir your faith and "write the vision clearly" – God wants to show Himself strong this year, and having clear, faith-filled visions and dreams is fundamental to our life of Faith and God's Will being done in our lives.

We conclude our Month of Prayer and Fasting with our annual Firstfruits offering which will take place of Sunday 4th February – this is a powerful time where we receive all present our Firstfruits Offering; we anoint everyone with oil and pray and prophesy over each and every person in both Sunday services… Our Firstfruits Services are always the highlight of our year and sets up the next 12 months for Victory and Harvest in every way – Barns Filled and Vats Overflowing! 

Ps. Sharon and I love you so very much and can't wait to see all that God has unfold and be revealed in the weeks and months to come.

 Keep running the race and fighting the good fight – We Win!!!

Ps. Julian

Fasting guidelines

  1. We have started a Declared Church fast where everyone takes part. We leave the specific details of what each person decides to do up to us all individually; Some will fast everything for one day a week, others might do a few days together and nothing else during the month, whilst others might fast one meal a day… That is completely up to you, but what is important is that we all decide to do something and then stick to it by faith.

  2. Fasting does not change God or increase His commitment to us or to answering our prayers; it is a way to humble ourselves, putting down the desires of our flesh, in order to more accurately hear from, and receive from, God.

  3. Fasting puts us in a greater position of personal authority to declare and enforce God's word. Fasting supercharges your life in the spirit.

  4. It is important to "declare" your fast - declare at the start of the Fast what it is for and how long it will last.

  5. A Fast can be for as long or as short as you decide. The important thing is not necessarily the length of the fast, but that we declare it, keep to it, and PRAY during the time of the fast in a specific way - fasting without increased prayer is nothing more than a cheap way to lose weight!

  6. Fasting puts us in the position to be filled with the Holy Spirit in a greater way.

  7. Fasting is a time not to just ask God for things, but to believe that you receive exactly what you set out to achieve by faith - Jesus said in Matt 6:17 & 18 that if you fast in secret God will reward you openly (with the reason for the fast). Fasting is not a time to hope for something to happen, it is a time to press in and get hold of everything God has for you personally and for the church corporately! Turn the "world" off and stir up your spirit of faith and expectation.


Remember: Fasting does not impress God - it puts us in a position to more clearly hear what He is already saying and declare it out - God's will shall come to pass for Citygate Church this year in Jesus' name